
webmaster tumblr blog sign my guestbook art shrines

hey there! hello! Im sam! welcome to my home page, feel free to wander around and explore!


currently playing: nothing

currently watching: nothing

The current mood of samuelo at
moon phase


2024/01/18 - 1 new blog post

2023/10/29 - updated the home, blog and art corner page style, also added a shrines page

2023/10/28 - 1 new blog post

2023/10/20 - 3 new blog post

2023/10/20 - added a blog page

2023/10/19 - changed the art corner logo

2023/10/19 - updated the home page style

2023/09/25 - added the art corner

2023/09/10 - finished the about me page!

2023/09/09 - finished the index page!